Haydon Bridge United FC

Club President - Dent Oliver
Dent has been involved with the club for an astonishing SEVEN decades!! Firstly as a Player, then as Groundsman, Manager, Treasurer, Secretary, Chairman, President and Trustee. Dent was also part of the triumvirate that had the foresight to purchase Low Hall Park in the 1970’s giving us both security and a wonderful place in which to play football. Dent has dedicated his life to the club, and it is little wonder that he is known as ‘Mr Haydon Bridge United’.

Chairman - Gavin Boyd

Vice Chairman - Peter Scott
Peter started helping with the then U8's in 2009 when his son was playing as an U7. From there he managed his own team for a couple of years until Tony Jenkins joined him, and continued up until the U16 age group, enjoying great success along the way. The highlight being the 2017/18 season when as the U15 age group the team was victorious in Four separate competitions

Club Secretary - Brian Alderson
Brian has been involved with the club for over 6 years now, joining shortly after his son joined the Development Squad to help out at training.... Currently managing the Boy's Under 14 team playing in the Northumberland Football League.

Treasurer - Avril Kirsopp
Avril started off washing football strips and cleaning out the pavilion. She progressed to Club Secretary and is now the Club Treasurer. She is Bookings Secretary for the 3G Training Area which is used not only for our Club but members of the Community can hire this area for training and children’s parties.

Welfare Officer - Paula Collis
Paula first got involved with Haydon Bridge United around 14 years ago when her oldest son started playing for the club. Since those early days Paula has gone on to manage/coach the team with Tony Jenkins and Colin Banks until the teams last season 2010/11 as U17's.